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Welcome to the new Sonic Iguana web site

Welcome to the new Sonic Iguana web site! After several years of the same tired old page, we are introducing an updated look. Interestingly, the logo which is the centerpiece of the new site is actually the original logo designed for Sonic Iguana by Aldo Giorgini – renowned artist with several pieces in the Smithsonian Collection – and also father of Sonic Iguana founder Mass Giorgini. In a similar way, the rest of the site is meant to share what is new and fresh about the studio while still proudly celebrating the notable albums which have been produced at Sonic Iguana over the past 22 years.

While the studio has a long and significant history (as celebrated by the partial list of albums produced here on the Credits tab), the current projects being completed at the studio  are just as exciting – from the releases completed in just the last few weeks, such as Mass Giorgini’s work on the latest Anti-Flag album The General Strike and master of the upcoming The Thing that Ate Larry compilation for Adeline Records to the current projects in the mastering studio (the upcoming release by San Francisco’s One Man Army on Adeline Records being mastered by Mass Giorgini), in the recording studio (Lady and the Monsters from California, PA being produced by Philip Zumbrun) and also at the mix desk (New Castle, Australia’s Excite Bike being mixed by Philip Zumbrun and mastered by Mass Giorgini).

Finally, in order to celebrate our history in a way that truly has a significant effect on the present, we have decided to stick to the same rates we have had since January 1, 2000 – despite the several thousands of dollars of additional investment in improved and expanded studio equipment in the studio since that time.

Thank you to Punk Rock Geek at TPU Design for designing and putting this site together. We hope you all enjoy the new site, whether you are just visiting, or plan to record with us or master a new release here in the future!

To inaugurate the new site, here is a link to the recently released video sponsored by Amnesty International for “This the New Sound” from Anti-Flag’s latest album The General Strike.


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  1. Reply Vitamin B

    I adored your intriguing post. super information. I hope you produce many. I will continue subscribing

  2. Reply Katherine

    This is cool!

  3. Reply Hein

    Wow people, after going over the albums recorded there, I must say a lot of them belong to my all-time favorites. A good collection of TRUE, authentically punk music in there… (hein of the former http://www.punkupdates.com)

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